The gradual introduction of bond notes and what is likely to happen in the future

The only reason the bond dollar has any value at the present is that it is issued within the context and background of a society full of people who have been assured by the respective authorities that bond notes and US dollars are equivalent. The society has agreed to treat it as though it has value (at least for now). Without that faith, the bond note is as useful as small pieces of paper generally are. It is a false sense of security that the bond note is backed by facility at some bank elsewhere. US dollars, as well as the euro, yen, and every other major currency, is backed directly by the stability of the society that issues it. The bond note following the same should be backed by the Zimbabwean society who issues it. The bond notes in a wallet with someone in Zimbabwe have value because, everybody thinks they have value. Bond notes will not be and will never be redeemable to any currency or commodity such as gold. If bond notes will not be redeemable to US dollars in th...